Minors stabbed by fire in global cell complex Antwerp politics: “Never anything can be found in a fouille” | Antwerp

“Donderdagavond is kort for 20 uur a beperkte brand uitgebroken in one van de cellen van het nieuwde cellencomplex,” reports Wouter Bruyns van de Antwerpse politie. There was a small fire in the game, which was quick to control. The brand went well together with rookontwikkeling. “The minors in the betrokken cel en die uit de cel ernaast zijn voor controle brought to the ziekenhuis, omdat ze rook hadden ingeademd”, Aldus Bruyns. Also, the most important policy should be in the building. The minor will have to be confiscated for his children. “Not all of them can be found in a fouille,” says Bruyns. “Vandaar dat we arrestants also altijd goed in de gaten house.”

(Les verder onder de photo.)

Opvallend: the brand from the plaats will meet in the cell complex in use. “This is one of the scenario’s sea dimensions that are geofenced with real figurants and simulants, for the cell complex in use is taken,” says Bruyn’s nog toe. Also the medical services and the brand name are in the Oefeningen. “All situations that we can confront in the cell complex have been tested.” Brand is one of the scenario’s. De politie gaat now internally bekijken of he zaken differently hadden moeten beuren. “Het zou got zijn as we never did anything. “Elk incident is also an empty moment,” says Bruyns.
