Mino Raiola made his players wealthy stars, but didn’t forget himself | Dutch football

By Rik Elfrink

The Italian-Dutch language prodigy could also be a bitch, in a profession that, after the Bosman judgment of 1996, was able to enrich itself rather exorbitantly in a limited number of cases. An unbelievable bitch at times, until he got his clients the exact amount of millions and other emoluments they wanted. After that Raiola was charming again and someone with human features. He was also a man who didn’t always pull the strings for smaller and medium-sized clubs. Sometimes he suddenly waived his commission to make a transfer possible, to the surprise of a club manager or player.

When closing the major transfers in particular, he did not forget himself, because monstrous amounts flowed into his bank accounts. It sometimes led to great external outrage, but he didn’t give a damn and his commissions and percentages remained the benchmark for him.
