Minka Kuustonen reveals a surprising fact about her preparation for the Lahti 2001 series

Actress Minka Kuustonen did not know how to ski before filming the Lahti 2001 series.

Actress Minka Kuustonen turned 38 on Thursday. Kuustonen celebrated the anniversary with a brunch prepared by a friend. Kuustonen’s 5-year-old son gave his mother ice cubes as a gift.

In Kuustonen’s opinion, 38 years is a good age.

– I’m just in the mood that I’m exactly this age. Black birthdays are the best days of the year. Now a gala like this has been organized here in its honor, Kuustonen jokes, referring to the Hyvinkää Red Carpet Festival.

Couldn’t ski

Kuustonen will star in the film to be released in the fall Lahti 2001 in the series Virpi Kuitusta. Kuustonen reveals that he had skied in elementary school the last time before filming the series, and did not know how to ski in practice before filming.

However, physical challenges do not scare the athletic Kuustos. Kuustonen prepared for the role for three months by skiing several times a week with a ski coach.

– I really like that there are such challenges. Tellus -series, I learned mountain biking and descending stairs on a bike. For some reason, I have practiced martial arts, says Kuustonen.

– I am very physical and I like playing sports myself a lot. It’s an important part of life for me. It has been a great addition if physical training has also been part of role building and has been able to learn more, he adds.

Minka Kuustonen arrived in Hyvinkää for the Red Carpet Festival in a white outfit. Jussi Eskola

Minka Kuustonen is remembered for films, among other things Summer friends and Risto Räppäää and the fake Vincent. Kuustonen also aims to publish in the fall Spede– movie.

Kuustonen and his ex-husband Aku Sipola divorced last spring. The couple has one child together.
