Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations: most important changes as of January 1, 2023 | News item

News item | 23-12-2022 | 19:06

More transparency about the financing of political parties, Dutch people living abroad will have influence on the composition of the Senate and rent allowance will increase. A selection of the changes in the field of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations that will come into effect on 1 January 2023.

Amended Political Party Financing Act (Wfpp)

Political parties are important for the functioning of Dutch democracy. They are a link between citizens and politicians. The rules on the financing of political parties are set out in the Political Parties Financing Act. With the amendment of the law as of 1 January 2023, transparency regarding the financing of political parties and their affiliated institutions will be further increased. In addition, the risk of improper (foreign) influence on our democracy is limited.

More information: Amendment to the Political Parties Financing Act.

Non-resident electoral college

Dutch people living outside the Netherlands have had the right to vote for years in elections to the House of Representatives and the European Parliament. The new law gives Dutch nationals abroad the opportunity to also influence the composition of the Senate. They do this through the election of the members of the non-resident electoral college. In March 2023 they will be able to vote for the first time in this new election. The elected members of the electoral college of non-residents, together with the members of the provincial council and the members of the electoral colleges of the Caribbean Netherlands, elect the members of the Senate.

More information: Non-resident electoral college

Higher rent allowance

As announced on Prinsjesdag, the cabinet will increase the monthly rent allowance from 2023. This means that as of December 20, 2022, when the rent allowance for January is paid, almost all rent allowance recipients will receive an extra €16.94 per month. In this way, the government has chosen to lend a helping hand to rent benefit recipients in paying their bills. The increase in the rent allowance is possible because the personal contribution for the tenant will decrease.

More information: Increase rent allowance as of 2023

Maximum rent increase free sector

From 1 January 2023, the permitted annual rent increase in the private sector is linked to the collective labor agreement wage development, as long as it is lower than inflation. In 2023, rents for homes in the private sector may therefore rise by a maximum of 4.1%. That percentage is based on 3.1% CLA wage development (from December 2021 to December 2022) + 1 percentage point. Inflation from December 2021 to December 2022 was much higher at 9.7%.

More information: Change in maximum permitted rent increase

Abolish landlord levy

To increase the supply of affordable homes, the government will abolish the landlord levy as of 1 January 2023. This tax on social rental housing totaled €1.7 billion. The abolition of the landlord levy ensures that the investment capacity of housing associations increases considerably. As a result, corporations can spend more money on new construction, sustainability and quality of life. The government has agreed with corporations that they will build 250,000 new social rental homes by 2030.

More information: Abolish landlord levy

New Election Results Determination Procedure Act

The purpose of this law is to create opportunities to identify any (counting) errors in a timely manner before the result of an election is determined and to correct them in a transparent and verifiable manner. This reduces the chance that a last-minute recount has to be decided or that an election result is determined that contains errors. The law will enter into force on 1 January 2023 and will therefore apply to the combined provincial and water board elections in March.

More information: New procedure for determining election results from 2023

Law promoting integrity and functioning of local government

A well-functioning and honest public administration is essential for the trust people have in politics. Political office holders are primarily responsible for their own integrity. But this law can also contribute to the confidence of residents. For example, prospective aldermen, deputies, members of the executive board of water boards and island deputies of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba are required to have a VOG (Statement of Behavior) upon their appointment. In addition, it is more clearly defined when there is a conflict of interest and what is permitted in the field of ancillary positions.

More information: Promoting integrity and functioning of local government

Changed travel document rates

The rates for travel documents have been set as of January 1, 2023. These are rates that municipalities pay to the State and the maximum rates that municipalities are allowed to charge to the applicant for the travel document. Changed maximum rates apply to Dutch identity cards. Separate rates apply for, for example, emergency documents and urgent deliveries. In addition, the rates that Caribbean countries and public bodies (these are the BES islands) pay to the State and the maximum rates that the public bodies may charge the applicant have been determined.

More information: Changed rates for travel documents

Mandatory decentralized audit offices

It is important that thorough, independent audit audits are carried out at all decentralized authorities into the efficiency, effectiveness and lawfulness of the policy pursued. The aim of the Decentralized Audit Offices (Enhancement) Act is to create a comprehensive, statutory system for thorough, independent audits to support the supervisory role of councils, states and general boards of water boards. This law obliges local governments to set up an independent audit office. The law will come into force for municipalities and provinces on 1 January 2023. For the water boards, partly on 1 January 2024 and partly on 1 January 2025.

More information: Strengthening decentralized audit offices

New municipality of Voorne aan Zee

As of January 1, the municipal reorganization of the municipalities of Brielle, Hellevoetsluis and Westvoorne to Voorne aan Zee will come into effect.

More information: New municipality of Voorne aan Zee
