Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate: main changes as of July 1, 2023 | News item

News item | 6/30/2023 | 1:00 pm

More companies will be faced with the obligation to save energy and make it more sustainable, it will be laid down by law that the government will lead the reinforcement operation in Groningen and new rules will be introduced for extracting geothermal energy. These are some changes to rules and laws in the field of Economic Affairs and Climate that will take effect on 1 July 2023.

Tightening energy-saving obligation

Energy conservation is important to save energy costs, makes the Netherlands less dependent on the import of fossil fuels and ensures less CO2emissions. Many companies and institutions are already obliged to take energy-saving measures that pay for themselves in five years or less. To further encourage energy saving, the government is tightening up the energy saving obligation for companies and institutions as of 1 July 2023. From this year, greenhouse horticulture and companies that require an environmental permit, such as waste processing companies and companies in heavy industry, also fall under the duty. A separate list and methodology has been drawn up for this because of deviating energy prices. More information can be found at: Scherping-energiesparingsobligation-voor-bedrijven-en-instituut/

Regulations to amend and open subsidies for Top Sector energy projects and accelerated climate investments in industry

The Top Sector Energy (TSE) Built Environment and Demonstration Energy and Climate Innovation (DEI+) subsidies have been reopened in an adapted version and the legislation has also changed. These subsidies are relevant for parties that want to carry out projects in the field of energy innovation.

More information on the RVO website TSE Built environment and DEI+.

Geothermal energy legislation

From 1 July 2023, laws and regulations specifically apply to geothermal energy. Until then, the same system applied to geothermal energy as to gas extraction, for example. Because geothermal energy works differently from other mining activities, there is now specific legislation with, for example, a separate permit structure. State Supervision of Mines (SodM) monitors and enforces safety for people and the environment. More information via Warmte

Strengthen legislation in Groningen

With the strengthen law (an amendment to the Temporary Groningen Act) owners and residents will be given a more central position in the strengthening operation. They have control over what does or does not happen to their building. For example, the law gives owners the choice to implement the reinforcement measures themselves. In all cases, the National Coordinator Groningen (NCG) provides guidance and explanation during the process. In the area of ​​damage settlement, this law stipulates that the presumption of evidence also applies separately to the Grijpskerk gas storage facility. In addition, the IMG will definitively be given broader authority to repair houses with, for example, a weakened foundation.

Extension of the rules of conduct of the Market and Government Act

The rules of conduct for governments that offer goods or services on a market will be extended by two years until 1 July 2025. This means that the rules of conduct for governments will continue to apply, such as charging the integral costs in the price they ask for a good or service. These rules of conduct aim to prevent unfair competition between governments and entrepreneurs when governments carry out certain economic activities, such as operating a marina or offering consultancy services. This decision has been taken in anticipation of the bill to amend the Market and Government Act being dealt with in the House of Representatives, which will lay down these rules of conduct for an indefinite period of time and make a number of improvements to the law.

All theory exams to CBR

From 1 July, the Central Office for Driving Skills (CBR) will also conduct theory exams for Mariphony and radio amateurs. Practical exams remain with the examining institutions. With the implementation of the aforementioned theory exams by the CBR, the examination and issuance of operating certificates is professionalized. An additional advantage is that candidates and applicants can go to a single counter for sailing certificates, maritime radar exams and radio communication exams for the maritime sector. See further: RDI website and the website of CBR.
