Ministry blocks former minister Van Nieuwenhuizen’s access to climate consultations

As a representative of the energy sector, former minister Cora van Nieuwenhuizen is no longer allowed to participate in discussions on the climate agreement. Previously, the ban on lobbying for former ministers only included direct contacts with civil servants.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK) confirmed the new interpretation of the lobbying ban on Friday. The department is “not allowed to maintain business contacts with Cora van Nieuwenhuizen in her position as chairman of Energy Netherlands,” says a spokesperson. This applies to direct contact with a civil servant, but also to ‘wider consultations with several parties that are initiated from the Ministry of Economic Affairs’.

The sector association, of which energy companies Vattenfall, Eneco and Vandebron are members, was recently informed about this by the ministry. “Energy Netherlands can be represented by other directors,” said the spokesperson for EZK.

Van Nieuwenhuizen (VVD) was Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW) in the previous cabinet. Last year she was also acting minister of EZK from 15 to 20 January, after party colleague Eric Wiebes submitted his resignation. Van Nieuwenhuizen resigned as Minister of IenW in the summer of 2021 and then started working as chairman of the lobby association.

Not welcome anymore

In an interview with NRC current minister Rob Jetten (Climate and Energy, D66) already confirmed in February that she was no longer welcome at the ministry. Later that month, a top official from EZK Van Nieuwenhuizen announced that the ban extends beyond direct contacts with officials. Until then, the former minister sat at the so-called ‘electricity table’ within the climate agreement. It oversees making Dutch electricity production more sustainable until 2030, and that ‘table’ falls under the responsibility of EZK.

Read the interview here: Climate minister Rob Jetten no longer wants to hear that it must remain ‘feasible and affordable’

Director Sam Collot d’Escury of Energie-Nederland acknowledged the new situation on Friday. “As I understand, Minister Jetten wishes to stick to the lobbying ban because Van Nieuwenhuizen was acting Minister of EZK for five days. We abide by that prohibition, but we do not agree with it. We think it’s disproportionate. She hadn’t even been to the department at the time.”

According to a spokesperson for EZK, the lobbying ban “makes no distinction in how long the ministry lasted or what the nature of the work was”.

According to Collot d’Escury, the further restriction for Van Nieuwenhuizen has no consequences for her position. “Mrs Van Nieuwenhuizen is our chairman and will remain our chairman. There are many other meetings in which she participates and many contacts that she maintains.”

Collot d’Escury confirms that Van Nieuwenhuizen has now participated a number of times in the climate consultations, in which EZK officials were also involved. “We previously asked EZK for clarity, and that was eventually achieved. We try to explain it as clearly as possible: if there is a meeting where EZK employees are present, they will not participate.” Those discussions in which Van Nieuwenhuizen is not allowed to be present are taken over by director Collot d’Escury.

Chairman Ed Nijpels of the climate consultation emphasizes in a response that he is not involved in the question of who has a say in the implementation of the agreement. “I’m about the progress of the climate agreement. The relevant ministers are responsible for the composition of the tables.”
