Minister’s concerns about material shortage on operating table: ‘Work on action plan’

Minister Ernst Kuipers is concerned about stock problems at hospitals. The Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport is therefore working on an action plan to refill the warehouses. “But let me also be clear: the world market has changed.”

The warehouses of hospitals in Drenthe are becoming increasingly poor, which leads to problems. Several operations have therefore been postponed recently. MP Wybren van Haga (BVNL) asked parliamentary questions about it after he read about it on RTV Drenthe. In the answer, Kuipers indicates that he is familiar with the problem. “I share the concerns about postponing operations due to a shortage of medical equipment. The availability of materials is under pressure all over Europe. I can imagine that this causes unrest among patients and healthcare providers.”

The minister indicates that the problem has several causes, such as higher raw material prices, delivery problems and new rules. “The Russian invasion of Ukraine is also a factor,” said Kuipers. He therefore advocates cooperation between manufacturers, buyers and the government. This should help to gain more insight into impending shortages. Manufacturers have promised Kuipers to report if they run into problems, so that the hospitals will not be faced with surprises later.

Another big change is certification. Due to new European legislation, every product used in hospitals must receive a new certificate. That process is not yet running smoothly, partly because there are not enough inspectors to give all products such a certificate. That is why manufacturers also stop producing some materials.

“I am working on an action plan,” Kuipers continues. The plan states that certification must be accelerated. “These are steps we are taking, but let me also be clear: the global market has changed.”

According to Kuipers, hospitals need to get used to this by being more creative with stock management. “Know what you have and make yourself less dependent on products by knowing alternatives.” Kuipers also wants healthcare institutions to keep in touch and help each other when there are shortages. An investigation into further measures to support hospitals and manufacturers is still ongoing.

Or should the Netherlands start making all hospital materials itself? That question was also asked by MP Van Haga. “Not feasible”, says Kuipers resolutely. He argues that neither the Netherlands nor Europe has the necessary technology, raw materials, personnel, logistics and finances.
