Minister Van der Straeten: “Belgium not opposed to embargo on Russian oil” | War Ukraine and Russia

Although our country is up to 30 percent dependent on Russian oil, Belgium supports a progressive embargo on the import of Russian oil into the EU. Energy Minister Tinne Van der Straeten (Green) said this on Monday when she arrived at an extraordinary meeting of EU energy ministers in Brussels. Our country is also not opposed to exceptions for countries that are more dependent on Russian imports.

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The European Commission will release a new sanctions package against Russia this week, possibly as early as Tuesday. Oil would be targeted in it. There is talk of a progressive embargo towards the end of this year.

Minister Van der Straeten emphasized the importance of an energy transition before the meeting of European energy ministers on Monday. “Vladimir Putin uses energy as a weapon of war and the best way to arm ourselves against it is energy independence,” says Van der Straeten.

“Our country is up to 30 percent dependent on Russian oil, which is 30 percent that we will have to fill in in a different way,” the minister adds. “The oil market is a global market, so we can source our supplies elsewhere, but the most important thing is of course that we become structurally independent. That means, for example, no more oil in cars, but electric cars, which can then drive on Belgian sun, for example. and wind.”


As for the EU countries that are more dependent (on Russian oil ed.) “the intention is not to make it more difficult for our neighbors than it already is”. Exceptions or other measures are possible, says the minister. “The timing of Belgium will be that of the EU. We are not blocking any measure at European level, we must show solidarity with each other and this is a measure that we can support.”

According to insiders, the European Commission may already table a sixth sanction package on Tuesday in which Russia’s imports of crude oil into the EU will be phased out before the end of the year. In order to convince Hungary, which openly threatens to veto oil sanctions, the commission is proposing, according to EU sources, that the country should only stop importing oil from Russia after 2022.

Also read: ANALYSIS. Putin turns off the gas tap, but mainly puts himself in a position (+)
