Minister Schreinemacher releases 20 million euros for the victims of the war in Ukraine | news item

Minister Schreinemacher for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation is making €20 million available for the victims of the war in Ukraine. The money is earmarked for food, water and medical care for displaced people. A large influx of refugees has started towards Ukraine’s neighboring countries, especially Poland.


“The Netherlands will stand next to the Ukrainians in these dark times. We help where we can. We are now doing that with this 20 million euros, for water, food and medical care.”

The contribution of €20 million will go to the UN, which is calling on countries to help with the refugee crisis caused by the war in Ukraine. The cabinet is also busy with a shipment of medical supplies and medicines.

In addition, the Netherlands is also allocating half a million euros for the first reception in Moldova. This will help about 7,000 people with blankets, sleeping bags and tents. The goods were shipped yesterday.

In addition to emergency aid, the cabinet also provides military goods to Ukraine† In addition, harsh sanctions have been imposed against Russia because of the war.
