Minister Schouten: municipalities can start paying energy allowance | news item

News item | 15-03-2022 | 15:13

The government wants to ensure that low-income households receive the energy surcharge of approximately €800 as soon as possible. Minister Carola Schouten (Poverty Policy, Participation and Pensions) has indicated that municipalities may start with the payment.

The bill on the one-off energy surcharge was presented to the House of Representatives today. It arranges that the allowance is paid to about 800,000 low-income households via the municipalities. In a letter to the House of Representatives, Minister Schouten says that municipalities may already start paying out in anticipation of the announced legislation. With the tools that have been made available, such as a guideline and a guide, municipalities can make the final preparations for this.

Minister Schouten: “For many households with a small grant, the need is great due to the increased energy prices, more expensive groceries and the high prices at the pump. The cabinet has increased the energy surcharge for them to better cushion the pain of the price increases. It is important that municipalities can now provide these households with air quickly.”

At the end of last week, the cabinet decided to increase the target amount for the one-off energy allowance from € 200 to € 800. Households with social assistance benefits and an IOAW or IOAZ benefit automatically receive the allowance. Other groups, such as workers and the self-employed with a minimum income and AOW pensioners without a supplementary pension, apply for these themselves from their municipality.

Households that are already encountering financial problems can receive support, for example by agreeing a payment arrangement with the energy supplier or via the Municipal Money Counter. There is a national telephone number, 0800-8115, where people with money worries can go anonymously for tailor-made advice and be referred to appropriate help.
