Minister Peeters invests 6 million euros in water beveiliging along the Maas | Nieuws

Another half of the year we were told on the land due to overflowing. It was a pity that I was in Wallonia, but that was also true of the Vlaanderen in the folds. Tijdens the extreme regenval were debiten van de Maas ongezien. It went up to 3,260 cubic meters per second on the hill of St.Pietersberg in Maastricht. Tijdens de grote (winter)overstromingen in 1993 and 1995 was 2.900 cubic meters per second.

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv heeft de most urgent damage caused. “Daarnaast zijn he still points that aangepakt would have been om de veiligheid te garanderen”, says minister Peeters, who is about to invest 6 million euros in the works versneld te laten uitvoeren. “Sommige van deze ingrepen zijn noodzakelijk om de waterbeveiliging te garanderen”, benadrukt ze. “Think about the openings of erosion gates in the Maasbodem and the manufacture of uitspoelingen in de Oever. Other ingredients require extra protection provided by the hoogwater.”

(Her)bekijk also: Amazing air flow ton overstromingen along the Maas (16-07-2021)
