Minister of Finance Kaag co-chairs Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action | News item

News item | 12-10-2022 | 18:01

Minister Kaag of Finance will be co-chair of the as of April 1, 2023 Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action (CFMCA). That was announced October 12, 2022 by the CFMCA during a meeting and margin of the annual meeting of the IMF and the World Bank.


The CFMCA is a platform established in 2019 that focuses on sharing information and experiences on climate action by finance ministries. The coalition focuses, among other things, on streamlining the policy of ministries of finance with a view to the agreements made in the Paris climate agreement. Measures that lead to effective pricing of greenhouse gases and ensure that climate change is included in macroeconomic policy making, tax planning, budgeting, public investment and procurement. Adaptations to climate change and the role of private financiers also receive attention in all these activities.

Growing involvement

The Netherlands has been involved in the CFMCA from the start, along with 15 other countries. More than 75 countries are now members. A large group of institutes such as the World Bank, the IMF and the OECD are also associated with it.

More impact

Over the next 2 years, Minister Kaag aims to continue the work of the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action give even more impact and involve more countries in the work of the platform.

Learn more about the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action
