Minister encourages volunteers vaccination center

Minister encourages volunteers vaccination center

In Torhout they only administer Pfizer vaccines. These are new vaccines that have been adapted for the omikron variant. The first candidates register for the booster shot shortly after 8 a.m. The vaccination of the over-65s and people with weakened immunity should be completed by the end of the month. In October, everyone over the age of 18 will have the opportunity to be vaccinated. Hilde Crevits, Flemish Minister of Welfare: “Certainly for people who are older or with a reduced immunity, this vaccination is recommended. Because it can really avoid, if you get corona, that you have to be hospitalized.

But how great is the willingness to have a booster shot? “I just looked at the form and it is packed today, so people are responding well. People now ask more often than before to be vaccinated together with someone else. You feel that people already know that they can move their appointment. “

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