“Minister Diependaele is sociale huur fully aan het uitkleden” | Inland

The Vlaams Huurdersplatform (VHP) keeps the bijkomende maatregelen in de sociale huur af. “Door extra forwaarden te coupling aan a sociale huurwoning vallen de meest kwetsbaren uit de boot. “Minister Matthias Diependaele (N-VA) is completely in charge of the sector,” he says.

As it works, the year 2025 is aimed at a social gathering of women. It also comes with a doorstep premium which can be paid up to 2,500 euros net for working people who overstappen to the private market. The French government will open in 2025 and will make a long-term contract. How much you earn, you will lose in no time.

“Omgekeerde wereld”

“This is the same world,” responds Joy Verstichele op de maatregelen. Sociale woningen must follow the VHP coördinator and oplossing zijn om rust te vinden and je leven opnieuw vorm te geven. “For a longer period of time, we can use a variety of food that can be used for food.”

Verstichele notices that as working people have priority over other people, in a note that comes before a winning. This was in the private market. “There is a big ramp in its betaalbaars with the quality of the wind.”

176,000 candidate huurders op wachtlijst

Last year there were 176,000 candidates for election for social support. “In places that are extra voorwaarden op te leggen en het leven van sociale huurders moeilijker te maken, he can have more sociale woningen bijkomen,” says Verstichele. “He was born in the country and socially won the day. Minister Diependaele is de sociale huur fully aan het uitkleden.”

Volgens Verstichele zal de printing op de private huurmarkt afnemen met mer sociale huurwoningen. “De woningen van slechte qualititeit zouden ook moeilijker verhuurd raken”, aldus de VHP coördinator. “Door is a member of the social community and is the only one in the market today.”

Adhere to devotion

Gert Eyckmans, director of the Koepelorganisatie van Vlaamse woonmaatschappijen Initia, sluit zich aan bij the criticism. “The rules are in a manner of worship after suffering from fundamental problems,” says Eyckmans. Last week the organization was not informed about the “vessel earth invoer” from the Centraal Inschrijvingsregister (CIR) for candidate candidates. The digital platform, which is normally available from January 1st, 2024, will be operational as soon as possible, with all the inscriptions for social support being bundled.

Even the opposition party in Green is never able to speak about the new standards. “The minister uses the legislative power of the budget that is intended for the construction and renovation of the social economy,” said the parliamentary representative to Moerenhout (Groen). “In the places of the fire, the Minister of Ministers prayed for energy in the building and the renovation of the social world.”

Volgens Groen is more socially won bouwen de oplossing voor de wooncrisis en de toenemende armoede op de huurmarkt. “Minister Diependaele has the steden and the gemeenten begeleiden en aansporen in the bouwen van sociale woningen,” Aldus Moerenhout.

Lees ook: As it works, there is a need for social success. He’s getting a new award for social people: Minister Diependaele says it’s coming (+)
