Minister Dermagne announces the work deal for right-wing criticism: “I want low-cost jobs” | economy

Minister of Works Pierre-Yves Dermagne (PS) stated in the chamber of the work deal that was agreed upon before the end of the week. Opvallend daarbij was dat hij vooral reacted op de kritiek vanop de rechterzijde en ampering op de kritiek vanuit linkse hoek.

Maandagnacht declared the regering-De Croo a deal over coming up on the labor market. Het gaat onder Meer om the four-day week for how tien uur per day works, de avondarbeid in de e-commerce, een betere bescherming van het personel in de platformeconomie en het recht op deconnectie.

Teleurgestelde reacties

Vanuit werkgeverszijde will be more teleurgesteld gereageerd omdat de maatregelen not zouden volstaan ​​om a werkzaamheidsgraad van 80 percent in 2030 te bereiken. That was also the tenor of reactions from N-VA in Vlaams Belang. Zij vinden dat de ingrepen onvoldoende zijn afgestemd op de nodes in Vlaanderen.

“I want to get low-cost jobs,” said Minister Dermagne. Hij zich tegelijkertijd also af tegen or other de beperking in de tijd van de werkloosheid. “Het is not the worker who impoverishes that we de 80 percent gaan halen. The labor participation in our country is in the twinkling of an eye not greater. The labor market is considered to be the worst to be expected of.

“Critique zone iets te doen”

At the first-left PVDA, there is a criticism of the possible number of days that have lasted for four days and per day of the works in the avondarbeid in de e-commerce, criticism that also occurs at the vakbonden weerklonk. “The socialist movement was planned for the working day of eight hours and there were no days in the working day for the word intended for a socialist minister”, wrote fractieleidster Sofie Merckx.

Dermagne didn’t go to criticism. Het antwoord kwam van zijn partijgenote Sophie Thémont (PS). “It is a compromise, a separate trade. Well, I have things that are currently being discussed, but we are going to book them. Jullie geven kritiek zonder iets te doen.”
