Minister Demir warns about overeenkomst met chemiebedrijf 3M: “Verschillende honderden miljoenen euro’s voor opkuis” | landlocked

Flemish minister van Omgeving Zuhal Demir (N-VA) has an overeenkomst bereikt with chemiebedrijf 3M. It was awarded “verschillende honderden miljoenen euro’s” vrijgemaakt om de tuintjes van de inwoners in Zwijndrecht en de gronden rond de fabriek 3M te saneren. This is confirmed aan VTM Nieuws.

Mike Roman, the CEO and before the raad van bestuur van het Amerikaanse chemiebedrijf 3M, said that it was better than me that the plan was about money before it was made for sanitation. Minister Demir now has an agreement with 3M.

Het preciouseze bedrag is not known, maar het zou om Meer gaan dan de 150 miljoen euro the Roman eerder beloofde. It was announced that “the millions of euros that were lost” were made from the interior of the house in Zwijndrecht on the opposite side of the river. Vervuilde tuintjes zouden been engraved. Also the grounds around the chemical factory Zullen have been saneerd. The Americans zijn in Brussels om de deal te ondertekenen.

The chemicals used for a long time were responsible for what was done in Zwijndrecht, but there was nothing else to do with the execution of the job on a soil report. The PFOS-PFAS commissioner in the Vlaams parliament eight 3M is responsible for the use of the toxic PFOS in the area surrounding Zwijndrecht. The committee is responsible for the period of the previous year in the honderdtal milieu, juridical and other experts involved in the home district.

Het was about aanleiding van de Oosterweelwerken that the year long vervuiling with PFOS, that deel uitmaakt van de PFAS-familie, previous year published bekend rake.
