Minister Brouns visits in Ruiselede

Minister Brouns visits in Ruiselede

Flemish minister Jo Brouns visited The company has been operational for three years and has wanted to switch from an existing traditional fattening pig farm to an organic pig farm since the start without a higher impact on the environment. But the efforts seem insignificant today: “As it stands, this company will soon have to close for a large part. This uncertainty discourages entrepreneurship, especially in this challenging sector,” says manager Wim Haeck.


The company therefore wanted to enter into a conversation with Minister Brouns. The free entry and exit of the animals and the limited recognition of techniques create uncertainty in an already fragile sector. “I am grateful that the minister visits our company and listens to the needs. We are happy to open this company up for research so that tests and measurements can be carried out so that there is once again security of existence for some organic pig farmers,” says Wim Haeck.

BioForum, the sector organization for Flemish organic agriculture and food, acknowledges the concerns of the companies. “Organic pig and poultry farmers who recently switched are discriminated against compared to conventional farms that opted for low-ammonia barns,” says Esmeralda Borgo of BioForum.

Contribute to a solution

Minister Jo Brouns has visited many agricultural companies since he became minister on 18 May. “The nitrogen agreement aims to tackle high nitrogen emissions, and I support this goal. Until June 17, anyone who has comments can submit them to the public inquiry,” the minister clarifies. Brouns wants to help build a sustainable and supported solution.

“By listening to the sector itself, I hear and see the problems, but also the opportunities and possible solutions. I see farmers who are working hard and who are also concerned for their living environment,” says Brouns.
