Minister Ben Weyts: “Are there 300 extra places in June on buitengewoon onderwijs, maar vraag stijgt nog sooner” | Onderwijs

How big het tekort aan plaatsen in het buitengewoon onderwijjs prices is not duidelijk. It is namelijk geen centrale registration. Bovendien bestaan ​​er verschillende zones en proberen ouders hun kind vaak in verschillende zones op de Wachtrij te zetten, waardoor er ook dubbeltellingen zijn.

‘Het Nieuwsblad’ writes that it is the day before the start of the new school year. In Antwerp – there was a problem with the current situation – there were 460 children in the basis and 197 in the secundair, following the crane.

In June, Weyts agreed that it was 45 million euros worth of extra space in het Buitengewoon onderwijs. That is 20 million euros sea dan an vankelijk voorzien. Daarvan was 5 million euros best if it was on the outside of the school term, it means that the start of the new school year, additional spaces are created. Now it remains that there are three additional places to be paid for.
