Minister Bart Somers gives courage to Ukrainian demonstrators against Russian invasion | Inland

Several dozen Ukrainians and sympathizers gathered on the Operaplein in Antwerp on Sunday afternoon to protest against the Russian invasion of Ukraine. They do that every Sunday, but this time Flemish Minister for Society Bart Somers (Open VLD) also came to show his support and solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

The demonstration is based on the Ukrainian organization She helps and guides refugees who arrive here. Every Sunday they gather in Opera Square to sing the Ukrainian national anthem and to support each other. At the request of the organization, Minister Somers came to address the demonstrators.

He called Ukraine a European brother. A country that has the same standards and values ​​and is part of the same peaceful European community. When Putin invaded Ukraine, it was a shock to everyone. The minister praised the Ukrainians for their courage and perseverance.

“The struggle you are waging in cities such as Kiev, Kharkiv, Mariupol and Odessa is something that inspires the whole world. In Flanders and in Antwerp there is great solidarity with you and with the suffering inflicted on you. As a Flemish government, we try to to do everything we can to receive refugees in the best possible way. You are welcome here, your children are welcome in our schools and we try to give everyone a roof over their heads.”

Somers also briefly returned to the Eurovision Song Contest in his speech. “You had a very beautiful song, but even with the ugliest song you still won, because all Europe and the whole world is behind you. Do not lose heart, hold on, no matter how difficult it is. Your soldiers are gaining ground. To put it in the words of your president: next year we will celebrate the Eurovision Song Contest in Mariupol.”

© Tessa Kraan
