Minister allocates 19 million for (unexpected) adjustment of the N50 dead road near Kampen Struggling

Will head-on accidents be a thing of the past on the N50 near Kampen in five years’ time? Traffic minister Mark Harbers is allocating 19 million euros for physical lane separation between Kampen and Ramspol. This part is one of the most dangerous N-roads in the country, although it doesn’t go wrong relatively often.

But the chance of having an accident on this road section is high. This was concluded by engineering firm Arcadis at the end of last year after research. Reason for the then Minister of Transport Barbara Visser – in contrast to her predecessors – to give priority to widening the dead road at Kampen.

Completely separated

The solution is seen in widening the road, so that it becomes possible to place a physical lane separation. This reduces the risk of a frontal collision. The cost was estimated by Arcadis at 14.4 million euros. This saves a higher amount of damage due to accidents. Six months later, her successor Mark Habers decides to allocate 19 million euros for the adaptation.

Work is expected to start in 2025 or 2026, Minister Harbers wrote to the House of Representatives this morning. The result is that in about five years’ time the entire N50 between Hattemerbroek and Emmeloord will have a barrier between the two driving directions. This should reduce the high number of serious accidents, including fatalities.

Accelerated safer

It is good news for users of the N50 for the second time in a week. At the end of last week, Minister Harbers announced that the infamous section between Kampen Center and Kampen South will be made safer faster with temporary measures. For example, the maximum speed will be reduced from 80 to 100 kilometers per hour and a concrete wall will be installed next year at the latest that separates the two lanes.
