Minimaraad Midden-Drenthe sounds the alarm about housing the Food and Clothing Bank

Anneke Stevens, chairman of the Minimaraad Midden-Drenthe, sounds the alarm about the housing of the Food and Clothing Bank in Beilen. The volunteers of these facilities have been looking for other accommodation for some time now. It has still not been found, despite the efforts of the Minima Council.

Stevens addressed the Care and Welfare Committee and pointed out the downright poor housing to the committee members: “I hope the municipality will soon find a creative and perhaps unorthodox solution.”


Ánne Souren (PvdA) wondered whether the Clothing Bank is an added value for the minimum wage. Anneke Stevens is convinced of this: ,,The Clothing Bank is an accessible way to get clothes, but also other things. We think it is important that this facility remains here.”

Alderman responsible Jan Schipper is familiar with the poor state of the housing. The roof (with asbestos) is subject to leakage: ,,We have a subsidy relationship with the Food Bank. We have been thinking along in every possible way, but have not found anything yet.” The options that did qualify were not affordable and were therefore eliminated. Schipper therefore calls on people to think about a solution: “The Food Bank should definitely have a place in Beilen. And it would be nice if the Clothing Bank also got a place.”
