Millions extra for Groningen monuments | News item

News item | 19-10-2022 | 14:10

9.5 million euros will be available next year for the maintenance and restoration of monuments in the earthquake zone in Groningen. The popular subsidy schemes will be extended until 2026. State secretaries Vijlbrief (consequences of gas extraction in Groningen) and Uslu (Erfgoed) announced this today in the Groningen earthquake area.

Less chance of damage

Well-maintained monuments are more resistant to earthquakes caused by gas extraction. The chance of damage is reduced and damage is easier to repair. Fortification measures for monuments are always complex. But when these monuments are in a good state of repair or have been expertly restored, fortification can become easier. Because due to overdue maintenance, a possible reinforcement can be delayed.

Safe living

State Secretary Vijlbrief: “All Groningen residents should be able to live in a safe house. Even if you live in a monument. Monuments are equally affected by earthquakes, but if we maintain them well, the damage is less and possible reinforcements are easier.”

Preservation and maintenance

State Secretary Uslu: “Churches, farms, borgs, but also houses: Groningen is home to a lot of beautiful heritage that has suffered from the earthquakes. During my visit today I saw what that does to the residents and managers. With the available money, we also want to support them with conservation and maintenance.”

9.5 million euros

The money is for the subsidy schemes Regular Maintenance of National Monuments Groningen (RORG) and the Major Maintenance scheme, including the Restoration of National Monuments (GRRG). These are very popular schemes, which means that the subsidy pot goes up every year. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science will continue to make 3.5 million euros available per year for the next three years, the province of Groningen is allocating 2.5 million euros per year for the same period, and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate an additional 3.5 million euros for 2023 via the National Coordinator Groningen.
