‘Million hunt would score very badly with Winston Gerschtanowitz’

It’s a good thing Miljoenenjacht will not continue with Winston Gerschtanowitz as presenter, says format creator Kirsten Jan van Nieuwenhuijzen. “Of course there is little point in that.”

© Roy Beusker (l), Winston Gerschtanowitz (r)

Kirsten Jan van Nieuwenhuijzen, who started his career as one of the first four creatives for John de Mol, thinks it is good that Miljoenenjacht has been shelved now that Linda de Mol is still in the guardrail. Plan B was actually to put Winston Gerschtanowitz forward, but Postcode Loterij says that is not what it wants.

Winston very boring

It’s better that Winston didn’t become it, Kirsten Jan says in his podcast Content Wars† “If Winston is going to do it, then I’m afraid it will be in terms of ratings… Winston is of course a very boring presenter. He’s doing fine, but there’s not much to it of course.”

What if Linda still tacks to turn? “I honestly think that if Linda did do it, the ratings would go through the roof. Naturally. Everyone wants to watch Linda go to a total breakdown halfway through the show. Everyone really likes that. That they shout at once that the recordings will be stopped, hahaha.”

“Put drugs in it!”

After the summer, Linda really has to get back to work, advises Kirsten Jan. “Put drugs in it that she just wants to do it in the end. Something has to happen to make her stand there again. I think a lot of people would like her if she comes back and stands her ground there.”

Despite his previous fierce criticism of Linda, he hopes she will return to television. “I really wish her a glorious comeback. She is a very good presenter and she does that show flawlessly. She just belongs.”
