Miljuschka Witzenhausen sawing chair legs Marieke Elsinga

Miljuschka Witzenhausen is quite showily sawing the chair legs of the pregnant Marieke Elsinga. She would like to make radio and she likes her position. “She has the nicest place.”


It is clear that Mattie Valk is the real fixture in the morning of Qmusic. His co-host Marieke Elsinga is starting to look more and more like a sidekick. She is currently pregnant for the second time and, according to radio columnist Patrick Kicken, this is disastrous for her career as a morning jock. On top of that, she always complains about being tired.

‘Radio is missing’

Miljuschka Witzenhausen seems eager to take over her position, albeit in a group with other sidekicks. She recently appeared at Marieke’s place for a while and she enjoyed it very much. “I thought that was great fun, but that is really Marieke’s place, so I would never say: ‘I’m going to sit there’,” she says in an Telegraph podcast.

It would be a good fit, she quickly adds. “Everyone always talks about 360 degrees. Well, I dare say that I am 360 degrees, but radio, for example, is still missing from that. I have my own magazine and book, so I have print, I have video, I have TV, I have a website, so I have all that, but radio is the only thing missing.”

Very nice

If Marieke resigns, would Miljuschka want to replace her? “Ehhh, yes, I had a lot of fun, I really liked Mattie. I really think… It’s such a nice team there and they are very attuned to each other. I think Marieke has the nicest place of everyone, because she just says what she feels like. Delicious.”

Marieke’s position is well liked by Miljuschka. “She can do that masterfully too, of course, and she has worked hard for it. If Mattie ever says: ‘Can you come and fill in for a day on a Friday?’, I’ll be there, but it’s also a commitment, right? There’s no question of that now, guys.”

Does it fit?

It is indeed a commitment and for Marieke it is all difficult, difficult, difficult. She is tired and at one point went back to four working days a week.

Does it actually fit into Miljuschka’s current work schedule? “I think so, yes.”

Won’t she have to drop some other things? “I never really believe in that.”

Nice company

A power woman; Mattie can do something with that. But if he doesn’t knock, then it’s fine for Miljuschka too. “Yes. Well, you know, I never look at life like, what am I going to do? Look, I have a really nice company where all kinds of great girls work.”

She concludes: “People always think that I’m on my own with a camera that I shit everything out of, but we just make really beautiful videos and recipes. This year I will be organizing my own food festival for the first time, so I am very excited about that.”
