Miljuschka responds to Holleeder verdict: ‘Climax after lifelong family suffering’ Stars

The presenter takes her fans “through her week”, which she calls “an emotional rollercoaster”. Between all the parties and photo shoots, her mother-in-law’s birthday on Thursday and a cheerful dinner with colleague Eva Jinek on Saturday, Miljuschka’s description of her Friday contrasts sharply. In the announcement of the newsletter, she already says that a ‘climax was reached’ in her family story that Friday. Her mother Astrid Holleeder was permanently guarded after she came out with family stories in her books Judas and Diary of a witness and testified against her brother Willem Holleeder.

Miljuschka writes about last Friday itself: “The day of truth. All my life a great thundercloud of family sorrow has hung over our heads. Hand in hand we sat in suspense as we listened to the verdict. Overcome with grief. Because we’ve lost so much over the years. I had to watch my mother constantly being dragged through the mire. So you would think this feels like winning. Yet it is harsh. Bittersweet. It remains painful and sad.”

On Friday, the well-known Dutch criminal Willem Holleeder was sentenced on appeal to life in prison for, among other things, five murders of Thomas van der Bijl, Kees Houtman, his brother-in-law Cor van Hout, real estate man Willem Endstra and criminal John Mieremet and the manslaughter of Robert ter Haak.
