Miljuschka has now really eaten too much, cardiologist sounds the alarm

Miljuschka Witzenhausen thinks it is important that women embrace their fat parts, but isn’t she going a bit too far? She has now made such a fuss that her cardiologist is sounding the alarm.


It has been scientifically proven that too high a fat percentage is bad for your health. Of course, excess fat does not affect everyone, but for many people it is true that every pound goes through their mouth. And especially for Miljuschka Witzenhausen: every time we see her on television, she is eating something.

Cardiologist concerned

Miljuschka is a gourmand: she stuffs herself with unhealthy food all day long and then proudly posts photos of her fat rolls in the summer. Being proud of your body is fine, but what does the presenter actually convey with this? Fitfluencers can be quite annoying, but this is the other extreme.

It now seems that Miljuschka has gone too far, because her BMI has completely gone off the rails, according to her cardiologist. And that is of course bad news for her business model: Miljuschka has a platform that is full of recipes for all kinds of desserts, but can she still present them credibly if she is no longer even allowed to eat it herself?

Ring the bell

Miljuschka reveals her cardiologist’s message when she expresses her annoyance about online fake advertisements. Although she is anything but the ideal figurehead, even Miljuschka is abused in advertisements for diet pills. “Another day I wake up with DMs asking if my diet pills are really working,” she complains Instagram.

She finds it extremely disturbing. “My name and face are being abused. Would never never never take pills to lose weight. In fact, I have never been so heavy, 90 kilos. I have to do something with that. Don’t want anything with it. Because I think it’s fine. But the cardiologist sounded the alarm.”


There is no other option: Miljuschka must moderate her eating hobby. “Anyway. You do you“, she says to her smacking followers. “Don’t believe in easy solutions because there are none. Love from a fellow foodie.”
