Military operation in Ukraine. Online

Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev doubted that Ukraine would be able to join the EU without first getting into NATO. According to him, Moscow’s position on the issue of EU membership is known to Kiev.

“Come in, it would be an honor offered. And it seems that the Europeans now also really wanted Ukraine. There is only one catch: the experience of recent years with Montenegro and Macedonia shows that entry into the EU occurs only through NATO, ”writes Medvedev.

In his opinion, it is impossible to join the EU without the consent of the “senior partner” and entry into the “main” alliance, which he calls NATO.

However, notes Medvedev, it happens in different ways. He recalled Turkey, which is a member of NATO, but has not joined the EU. “In this context, one historical tale from the recent past. Words attributed to V.S. Chernomyrdin. During the period when he was ambassador to Ukraine, he was allegedly asked: “When will Ukraine join the EU?” He answered very quickly: “Right after Turkey.” “And when is Turkey?” – he clarified. “Turkey? Never…” Medvedev concluded.
