Milieu activists lost fashion show Louis Vuitton in beautiful corners with verf in Paris | Buitenland

Before the opening of the Louis Vuitton Fashion Week, the start of the show will be directed by milieu activists on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées in Paris. Three activists from the organization of the renovation were spotting the etalage of the Louis Vuitton angle with in the middle of the traditional orange version and an ecological and social overturning and the iron van politics and economic insults makers.

“The Paris Fashion Week is a verzamelplaats for the world’s richest people and belastingvluchtelingen. “Do you have to pay a large amount of money in the community, be sure to get the money that we need to raise the air conditioning and social catastrophe in this way,” responds the Dernière Rénovation organization via X.

The activists are quickly sent to the edge of the door guards. Op hun T-shirts stond a duidelijke boodschap: “Hun egoïsme vermoordt”.

Thanks to the incident at the fashion show, which took place on the doorstep. A large part of the 2024 Lente-Zomercollectie for everyone to admire.
