Milena was evicted from the Big Brother house

It was elimination time again in Big Brother.

Milena had to leave the BB house behind. Four

The Big Brother season has been running for over two and a half months. On Sunday night, one more resident had to leave the Big Brother house behind.

They were in the eviction vote Miika, Laura, Milena and Salla. Laura was the first to secure herself from the eviction vote.

In the end, Milena got the departure passes. He said that immediately after the fall, he was sure that he would have to leave.

– I came here two weeks later and I’m leaving two weeks before the end, Milena said while hugging the residents.

Big Brother on Nelose every day at 9 pm and on Ruudu 24/7. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
