Milei Risk: What a Libertarian Government Would Look Like

A Peronist governor, one of those who rejected Sergio Massa’s invitation to go to the pro-government bunker on election Sunday, turned off the television as soon as he saw the first numbers. Although he was shocked by the result, he was not at all surprised: in his province, Javier Milei’s tickets ran out shortly after 2:00 p.m. And not because they were stolen, but because of something much more elementary and also more terrifying for the candidate’s competitors: La Libertad Avanza simply did not have the budget to print enough. How many more votes could he have gotten? How many more Argentines wanted to elect the libertarian in the last elections? How much more will the economist grow in general?

Those questions had been around the governor’s head since the afternoon, and for that reason, as soon as he saw his team explode with rage over the results, he stopped them dead. “Guys, Milei made a price for us. We get it cheap.” And now? Although no relevant member of La Libertad Avanza would admit it, none of them had in mind to come out first in the PASO. Much less, of course, they were really preparing to arrive at the Casa Rosada in December. Carlos Rodríguez, who during Menem’s administration was Secretary of Economic Policy and who today is mentioned in the libertarian space as the future chief of advisers, had an attack of sincerity in an interview the day after the elections in LN+. “It fell to me like a meteorite, I supported it because of the ideas, I really didn’t expect it to come out first,” he said, in what almost seemed like an advance request for an apology in case the eventual government ends badly.

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Does the libertarian really have a plan to run the country? How applicable is it? Those are the two questions that Argentines asked themselves the most these days. First you have to understand something of the particular psychology of the most voted presidential candidate in the PASO. He’s a rare case of a politician, if you will: every word that comes out of his mouth is said with total conviction. There is no coaching for him, analyzing surveys and seeing where social humor is going, far from it. When he speaks he is convinced of what he says, even when he sees conspiracies or paranoid theories anywhere. On top of that, his deep conviction is also influenced by his mystical side, the fact of believing himself chosen by God and, therefore, entering the same league as Moses, a comparison he usually makes. “And if the will of the Creator wants it so, I will be the president,” he told Alejandro Fantino in an interview on Monday after the elections.

That is why it is necessary to understand that when Milei talks about her proposals, she is not thinking about how her speech could impact the general elections. It is something that she, decidedly, she plans to do. The privatization of all public companies, the dollarization of the Argentine economy, the destruction of the Central Bank, the total elimination of public works or the abolition of the minimum wage were proposals that she had already presented in her 2021 platform and that she still maintains. That original plan has now been refined into a more elaborate one, divided into “three-generation reforms.”

The first, the measures that he would take as soon as he arrived at the Government, focuses on the strong cutback of the State. Reduce ministries, fire public employees, the closure of companies such as Télam, Public TV, Incaa, Inadi and Conicet, the privatization of others such as YPF, tax reductions, a labor reform, the elimination of tariffs on elimination of subsidies to energy companies and exchange restrictions, elimination of all withholdings and export duties without exceptions, elimination of all restrictions on international trade, establishment of trial by jury, privatization of health , a system of vouchers for public education that eliminates the compulsory nature of school -a proposal that would introduce the logic of the market in this area-, “restore political support to the Security forces”, privatize part of the prison system and eliminate co-participation, among other ideas. There are others, too, that Milei was in favor of but did not include in his government plan: the free sale of weapons, organs, and children, and the denial of the 30,000 disappeared.

Miley Psychology

And if he wins?

Argentina is still a curious country. To get a driving record or to get into any blank job, anyone has to undergo a psychological test. Now, to be a legislator, governor, minister or even President, this type of proof is not required. In NEWS, the true psychology of Javier Milei has been portrayed in several editions. As a child he was savagely beaten by his father – with the active complicity of his mother – he was humiliated by him throughout his life, he suffered bullying at school and a lifetime of profound loneliness. The lack of friends and a partner were a constant during the 52 years that he lived. His true identity mark is, long before libertarianism or his supposed anger against the caste, the loneliness that has accompanied him since he can remember.

That condition led him to be convinced that his dog Conan was not a pet, but his son. The death of the animal in 2017 – a fact that Milei still does not admit to this day – must be understood in that dimension: the mourning of a father with a son. That is why, on the one hand, the economist ordered the dog to be cloned in the United States, and on the other hand, led by the telepath Celia Melamed (who in turn trained Sister Karina in this discipline), entered a spiritual path That search led him to have dialogues with famous figures of liberalism who died decades ago and even with God himself. Also with his dogs, Conan’s clones, who advise him in specific areas of reality (one in economics, another in politics, another in general strategy, and so on). Therefore, when talking about Milei’s risk, it’s not just his ideas. Can an unstable country support an unstable leader?

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