Milei and Barrionuevo: secrets of the pact with the caste

To understand the framework that is being woven between Luis Barrionuevo and Javier Milei We must start from an inevitable premise: except for the libertarian and his sister – who are convinced that he is God’s chosen one for a divine mission -, no one in Libertad Avanza imagined the almost 30% with which they rose first in the August elections.

Even many of them, although they would never admit it in public, would have preferred not to have the seven million votes that they had and that put them on a path that would seem to end in an eventual presidency. Or put another way: vSeveral frontline leaders have deep fears about the solidity and stability that a future government of the economist could have.

However, in this period where Milei seems “angelic,” as was said at some point about Carlos Menem in which he managed to make even the worst news seem positive, there is something that is going more than well for him. It is an idea that matches the attempt to build a more moderate profile of the libertarian, a work that is carried out by his strategist Santiago Caputo. It is the thesis of showing dialogue even with sectors and people who a priori would seem to be on the opposite side. Give the impression that, contrary to what the leader declared violently years ago, they could negotiate even with the oldest caste, something that any government that intends to finish its mandate in a hyperinflationary Argentina would seem to need.

This logic is nothing more than a very clever game of transforming a weakness into a strength. The lack of representatives and interlocutors that LLA has at the top of the different sectors of society – from union members to businessmen, armed forces, media, social movements, Church and other faiths, just to name a few – is the great source of concern one of the few in that space who are thinking more about what could happen on December 11 than about the campaign. They are those who had some political experience prior to the landing of the libertarian in politics, led by Guillermo Francoswho recently joined the team but is already acting as one of the leaders and is shaping up to be an eventual Minister of the Interior.

This is why exaggerating the link with Luis Barrionuevo It is, contrary to what could be seen from a first glance reading, so necessary. They have to show something that has already existed before and that this magazine has been reporting: that Milei and the caste are, in truth, one heart.

Carnal relations. It was the union member who asked the libertarian for the meeting. But not now, but at the end of 2020.

The gastronomic, skilled at building relationships outside his immediate circle of influence, wanted to meet him and exchange opinions about the direction of the economy. Since then they have maintained a cordial relationship. But now, 30% through, the man who became famous for his phrase “you have to stop stealing for at least two years” the intentions were very different.

We must understand that it is a complex moment for Barrionuevo. On the one hand, it suffers the same difficulties as the rest of its peers: the labor reform is a ghost that seems to be about to fall, and all union members want to be close to the power in power to aspire to have some influence on it. There is also another issue. The State maintains a million-dollar debt with the unions for the social works fund and the appropriate contacts are needed so that these payments, necessary like water in the desert for the afflicted coffers of the unions, continue to arrive.

But gastronomy has some particular difficulties. He maintains a terrible relationship with the majority of his peers, who in recent days have once again harshly criticized him for his approach to Milei. “That hurts Luis”they say close to him, while he insists that he strengthened relations with the economist because “my grandchildren asked me to.”

Besides, His health and emotional state is not the best. Last year’s separation from his historic wife, Congresswoman Graciela Camaño – which was compounded by the fight with her brother, Dante, head of the Capital de Gastronomic headquarters – was also accompanied by a strong physical episode that had him against the ropes. Close to turning 82, several in the union begin to dispute the succession. Barrionuevo, old sea dog, knows it. And as in the jungle, he needs to be strong and ahead of what is coming. The affair with the libertarian also has to do with this.

That is why he sent Horacio Ferrohis historic lawyer and operator, to build bridges with Carlos Kikuchi, one of Milei’s shipowners and another old exponent of the caste. Barrionuevo and Milei and they had a meeting and then an event in Parque Norte in which they made the alliance public. “But what happened to Luis is not very different from what we are doing with other union members. The issue is that he makes everything public,” they say in Freedom Advancesin reference to the meeting they already had with Gerardo Martínez from OUCRA, the talks with Facundo Moyano and others.

Trances. Newtown He makes it known that he promised prosecutors and logistical help to Milei. Privately, some say that he exaggerates even more, and suggests that he will put Is it air transport? In the red circle it is said that this was one of the hands he gave to Pedro’s “Wado” when he was the gastronomic’s preferred candidate, very recently. In Milei’s space they lower the price of the trade unionist’s weight: they say that what he says and promises in public is more than what he actually achieves. This idea of ​​minimizing it matches a reality: not everyone in the libertarian space welcomes the approach, not so much out of moral purity but because they distrust the intentions of Barrionuevo and his entourage. In fact, not all the leaders wanted to go to the event.

Just days before the presidential elections, several in the red circle sniff that power is on its way to being in the hands of the libertarian. And those who have been involved in this for years are convinced that the only sin in this game is being late. barrionuevo has already put first

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