Milanello before the derbies, the former director: so many anecdotes

Antore Peloso, former director of the Rossoneri sports centre, recalls the climate of 2003: “When the team was resting, they couldn’t move even a piece of cutlery in the kitchen. And for gardeners, the lawn mower was off limits”

Sixteen hectares of secular sanctuary immersed in the countryside where you can work, rest, retire – in the sense of being in retreat… –, concentrate, recharge your batteries and, why not, pray. Each in their own way. In a place like Milanello, all of this happens, and even more, before a Champions League Euroderby. The Rossoneri sports center has always been the perfect place to prepare for a match. A place that has entered the Rossoneri mythology and at the same time is defined in a single word by anyone who has frequented it as a tenant: home. Milanello is home and for thirty years – November 1986-June ’17 – the legendary owner of that house was Antore Peloso, who was the director of Milanello and reveals a glimpse of the “behind the scenes” before the two twenty Euroderby ‘Years ago.
