Milan, Ziyech on the swing. Bennacer, renewal near

Pioli finds Messias: official the ransom from Crotone. And we talk to the Algerian, the extension is approaching

Wanting to look beyond De Ketelaere, it would be appropriate to talk about alchemy. Milan are imagining a team with CDK at the center and from that assumption orient their market. Which footballers would look good with Charles? Which ones would struggle to integrate with him? The 2023 squad is a puzzle and Milan will make their moves in the next three weeks, before it’s August.


Dybala, for example, in this scenario is a hypothesis in the background, not more. He is not the ideal player to play with De Ketelaere – for AC Milan, they are two attacking midfielders – and above all he is still linked to the reasoning with Inter, between an engagement that has been defined and Marotta’s need to sell at least one striker in rose. At the same time, Hakim Ziyech did not increase his chances of signing for the Rossoneri. Net of the technical interest, the problems remain: the high salary, a particular character. In addition, the tendency to return from the right with the left that leads him to central clods, the same ones inhabited by De Ketelaere. Difficult to come together. With the Belgian, a right winger would be better off who accelerates, fills the right wing and there makes the difference. A winger who lends a hand when the ball belongs to others, a situation that Milan is used to frequent.

Messias 2024

aelemaekers and Messias have helped Pioli a lot with their racing and chasing kick and there is a good chance they will both stay in the squad. Messias has been (officially) again Rossoneri since yesterday: he has been redeemed by Crotone and has signed a two-year contract, until 2024. Milan expects him to grow. And, while waiting to open the big page of the renewal of Rafael Leao, a thorny theme just enough (let’s say very, very thorny), some certainty is making its way in the middle of the field. Adli is a planet to be explored, Krunic can stay, Pobega is highly regarded and will play a lot, Bennacer-Tonali is today the starting couple. Here, Bennacer: the dialogues for his renewal, due to expire in 2024, have also continued in these days. The finish line does not seem far.

Renato and …

In that midfield, speaking of alchemy with De Ketelaere, there is no player capable of attacking the goal, helping in possession and in non-possession, scoring more than a few goals: this is the identikit sought by Pioli. Renato Sanches is the first name on the list – PSG has not closed for him and who knows if it will ever close – and Traore an alternative with different characteristics. Open game, with one certainty: after De Ketelaere, he, the midfielder, is the great goal.
