Milan, Yonghong Li obtains the kidnapping of 364 million Elliott

The former owner of the company had sued months ago in Luxembourg, the American fund is preparing the appeal

Yonghong Li, former owner of AC Milan, obtained the seizure of 364 million euros by the Luxembourg Court. September, the month indicated by RedBird for the acquisition of the majority of the shares in Milan, is approaching and the work to complete the transfer of ownership between the Elliott fund and RedBird continues unabated.


And in the meantime, Mr. Li has obtained the seizure of the 364 million, waiting for Elliott to appeal. Yonghong Li had moved a few months ago with a lawsuit for compensation in the Luxembourg Court, against the holding companies controlled by the American fund. Mr Li aims to recover some of the money lost and his claims for compensation are based on his evaluation of the Rossoneri club, based on an appraisal carried out in 2018.
