Milan, the 23 players who don’t go to Qatar and stay at Milanello

Every Rossoneri who hasn’t flown to Qatar has excellent reasons to make the most of this break, amid disappointment from the national teams, new signings looking for glory and long-term injured players

Mark Pasotto

November 18th
– Milan

Goodbye for seven. An average high number, in the panorama of the Italians who have delivered their players to the World Cup. Seven plus one, to be precise, because Saelemaekers are also on the waiting list in Belgium in case any compatriot gets hurt. In any case, the calculation is easy: for seven in Qatar, there are another twenty-three who will remain at Milanello, and who will start working again in early December in view of the resumption of the championship. A heterogeneous squad especially in terms of expectations and individual goals.

The long-term patients

Long-term patients are finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Someone concretely, because it is at the end of the recovery process. Others because the long world break, crystallizing the championship, will have the beneficial effect of stopping the count of official races missed due to injury. The first category includes Saelemaekers who, as we said, was included by the Belgian coach among the reservists. It means that Alexis, who finished in the pits at the beginning of October, is almost in place. He will have to restart the fight with Messias (and partly with Diaz) for a place on the right, considering that the Brazilian comes from a rather brilliant last period. As for the other “sick”, Maignan will certainly be there when the championship resumes, and most likely also Calabria. Ibra, on the other hand, we should see him again between the end of January and the beginning of February, while more patience will be needed for Florenzi.

The Senators

After that, there are Senators. Those who are entrusted with the keys to the game and, in some cases, the locker room. Pioli expects confirmation from them, personalities and also remedies for some too many flaws that are seen in this first part of the season. Let’s talk about Kalulu, Tonali and Bennacer, in particular, three pillars. Three of the players who have undoubtedly grown the most under Pioli’s care and, in particular, in this calendar year.

Qatari orphans

After that, there are the disappointed “worlds”. Those who would have liked to fly to Qatar and who, for various reasons, have not succeeded. Tomori, Origi and Rebic: the exclusion of the English centre-back was particularly “crude”, considering his performance, while for the Belgian and the Croatian the last months of the season weren’t exactly exciting and this had to be taken into account. Here, they are expected to the classic task reserved for the disappointed: to channel anger positively in the service of the club, because Origi and Rebic have objectively both fallen below expectations so far. And even Tomori’s season, all in all, isn’t as glittering as the last one.

The first reservists (half holders…)

Then there are the leading reservists. Sometimes more holders than reservists. The first names Pioli usually thinks of when he wants to change something. For tactical choice or special needs. Let’s talk about Diaz (recently owner considered the involution of De Ketelaere), Krunic, Messias (perfect case of owner-bench bench fifty-fifty, now that Saelemaekers will return), Pobega, Gabbia. They have the task of putting Pioli in as much difficulty as possible in making choices. On the other hand, it’s the coach himself who always repeats that he doesn’t have well-defined hierarchies, right?

New signings

Then we find the new signings who are trying to show off. Thiaw, Vranckx and Adli. The first two have started to tell something interesting – sometimes even very interesting – while the last one has so far remained almost completely in the shade. It will be a fundamental stop to better understand Pioli’s mechanisms and demonstrate tactical understanding and character reliability.

The choices… forced

Finally, there are four players whose goal is to be ready in case of need. Unfortunately, these are serious needs. Let’s talk about the other two goalkeepers Tatarusanu and Mirante, and Bakayoko and Lazetic. The Frenchman is virtually out of the tactical project – Pioli didn’t deploy him even in the deepest emergency – and the young Serbian centre-forward – very often joined by Primavera – obviously still has a great need to gain experience. Who knows, maybe the next month and a half will present some unexpected and interesting scenarios.
