Milan-Tanganga: always hot track. But the formula with Tottenham must be found

The Rossoneri management will soon meet the player’s agent and also Paratici, the Spurs CEO, to try to define the English central’s loan

While waiting to launch the decisive assault for the attacking midfielder Charles De Ketelaere, Milan tries to move forward and close for the defender who will have to replace Alessio Romagnoli in the squad. The hot name in these hours is that of Japhet Tanganga, 23-year-old English central of Tottenham: his agent De Fanti – today in Glasgow for other commitments with Celtic – will be operational in Milan in the next few days (tomorrow or Thursday). And Casa Milan – or at the Palazzo Parigi hotel, home to many market meetings – will be the place to talk to dt Maldini and ds Massara.


The agreement with the player, however, is not the only obstacle to overcome in order to secure Tanganga. He must study the formula with Tottenham, owner of the card. Milan would like the loan with the right of redemption, but everything must be defined with the Spurs CEO Fabio Paratici. And it is not excluded that he too will see the Rossoneri management shortly – even if it will not happen today – to understand if the Italian champions are really willing to attack the defender. For sure, the player’s will will have an important weight. And Tanganga, according to what he transpires, likes the destination Milan more than any other.
