Milan Stadium in San Donato: the project continues

In February, Mayor Squeri has planned six meetings between the administration, the first citizens of Southern Milan and the territory to illustrate the Rossoneri project and the bureaucratic steps to be taken

While at Palazzo Marino the joker drops to try to convince Milan and Inter to stay at San Siro, about ten kilometers to the south-east the mayor of San Donato continues the work to create the first tranche bureaucracy relating to the future Rossoneri stadium. A plant – it is important to underline it – at the moment only potential and not of certain realization, but in the meantime the process continues, especially after the green light given by the Council to the urban planning variant proposal formulated in recent months by Milan. Which will generate a program agreement.


Meanwhile in San Donato they have drawn up a timetable for the month of February, which includes six points. Six events between institutions and the territory, which will also involve citizens. A schedule, communicated by Mayor Squeri to the majority and minority group leaders, which will begin on February 6 with the involvement of the members of the City Council, to whom the future procedural steps will be illustrated. Then a new meeting with the mayors of Southern Milan, regarding the now imminent launch of the program agreement and the impact on the metropolitan area. On February 13, the administration will meet citizens for updates on the state of the art. A new conference of group leaders, a meeting of the “Land Management” Commission and a meeting of the City Council are scheduled for the second half of the month. During the latter, the city assembly will be called to take note of the launch of the regional competence program agreement, which will last approximately 18 months.
