Milan-Spezia, Pioli in conference: ‘The market, Kalulu, Gabbia …’

Every now and then he thinks about it. Every now and then Stefano Pioli flashes of the (few) games in which his Milan was something too bad to be true. And in fact they were only accidents buried under a multitude of excellent things. In its two and a half years of management, blackouts – but let’s talk about total blackouts – can be counted on the fingers of one hand and the Spezia is one of them. At the peak, a year ago, it ended 2-0 for the Ligurians and Milan tripped ruinously and irretrievably in the race for the Scudetto. Now the situation is in some ways similar because the Rossoneri are again up there elbowing Inter and Spezia are waiting at the gate – this time at San Siro – after the precious victory in Genoa. This time, however, no missteps will be allowed because then the calendar puts Juve and Inter in a row on the plate: it is forbidden to lose points before then.

Arrivals only targeted

“That time in La Spezia was not a good thing but many things have changed since then, it’s another story. Many positive events have happened, we continue to believe that fate is in our hands. However, this will not be a decisive month for the Scudetto and, I repeat, we are not racing on anyone ”. Then, on the transfer market: “We don’t want to change just to change, but only to improve the squad. Kalulu and Gabbia have proven to be reliable, strong and ready to play important games. If the right opportunity happens, the club will be ready, otherwise it will stay that way. Is our left wing with Theo and Leao the strongest in Europe? I’m not so ready for such a statement … – the technician smiles -. We certainly have a very strong left lane, even when Rebic plays. But now the opponents know us better and we need to vary more. Theo, for example, is becoming more complete, he also goes inside the field and takes away points of reference. They are fast growing kids and can improve a lot. They are already at high levels but they can still grow ”.




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