Milan, Scudetto party: fines for Theo, Krunic, Maignan and Tonali

Federal sanctions – from 4 to 5 thousand euros – were made known after the celebrations of some Rossoneri who had involved Inter. The club also fined

The party – vibrant, oceanic and prolonged – but also the controversy. As you will remember, the day after winning the Scudetto there was also a lot of criticism on Milan’s way of celebrating aboard the open bus that had gone around the city starting from the Rossoneri headquarters to arrive in Piazza Duomo.

Plea bargain

Ibrahimovic, for example, had incited the fans against his former partner Calhanoglu, but in particular it was a banner displayed by some players on board the bus that first triggered the protests and then a federal investigation. Which ended with these measures: “Following the plea deal reached by the parties – reads the press release published on the FIGC website -, four AC Milan players (Theo Hernandez, Krunic, Maignan and Tonali) were sanctioned for the violation of Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Code of Sports Justice for the conduct in place during the celebrations for the victory of the Serie A championship. Krunic was sanctioned with a fine of 5,000 euros, while Theo Hernandez, Maignan and Tonali with a fine of 4,000 euros. AC Milan was also sanctioned for strict liability with a fine of € 12,000 ”.

The motivations

The motivations state that Hernandez and Krunic sang offensive chants towards Inter and its fans, as well as displaying “a banner with an unequivocally allusive and therefore disrespectful and offensive content” towards the Nerazzurri. Maignan was found guilty only for the banner, while Tonali was sanctioned for having “worn a shirt with a highly offensive, vulgar and trivial sentence overlaid on display against Inter and its fans”. Instead, the fine for the club is for strict liability.
