Milan-Rome, Pioli: the press conference on the eve of the match

The Rossoneri coach on the eve of the match against Roma: “A run-up to Inter? We want to score more points than last season. Ibra, Calabria, Leao and Rebic are doing well but they don’t have 90 minutes in their legs”

First press conference of 2022 for Stefano Pioli. At a distance, because the cases of Covid in pink (Tatarusanu plus another player who preferred to keep secrecy) and the general picture led Milan to close the doors of Milanello. “The project from now on is to have all the players available,” said the Rossoneri coach on the eve of the big match with Roma. “The break helped us, we have recovered so many that cannot yet be at 100% but they are going in that direction. As for the second round, are you asking me if the run-up to Inter is starting? We want to score more points than Inter. last year and try to win every single game, starting tomorrow. I want to see a team with energy throughout the game, trying to score a goal more than their rivals without fear of mistakes, wrong tactical readings or offensive initiatives of the opponents “.

Big recovered

Rising infections make everything a little more tense: “It is not a normal situation, we all try to be careful and follow the protocols, no one expected that the cases of positivity could return so high – continues Pioli -. We must raise the pay attention to work and be all ready to play, because it may happen that someone at the last moment may not be there “. The focus then shifts to the players who have returned to the group: “None of those who return tomorrow have 90 minutes in their legs, Calabria, Leao, Rebic and Ibrahimovic. But they are recovering and certainly need to play games”.

So Ibra or Giroud from the start? Usual ballot: “The choices also depend on the single match – explains Pioli -. Olivier had a good start, then he had the problem of positivity and back and ankle pain. He can do better than that, the two strikers on the pitch together are a situation that we have tried and can use depending on the race. Zlatan can play tomorrow even from the beginning, we’ll see what choices to make. Many stop at our initial static positions, but we often change positions in the setting and finalization phase, it’s a team in constant change “.

Pressure and business

The long race to play for the Scudetto with Inter and the other contenders for the title begins: “I don’t care much about what they say outside Milanello – assures the Milan coach -. I see players who are aware, winning would be an extraordinary feat but we have to believe in it and I expect a lot from everyone. We can do it if we keep the balance, we have pressure because we have been good at creating it with the results, then we’ll do the math in the end “. Meanwhile, there is Roma: “At the Olimpico we were superior, but Mourinho did a great job on compactness, intensity and empathy, we will find a different and very strong team. There are three heavy points at stake.”


January also means the market: “We have clear and shared ideas with the club, it will not be a crackling market given the situation all over the world – closes Pioli -. Kjaer’s injury forces us to look at the defensive department, I have not made any other requests. to society. You need a complete defender, it’s too important a role. He has to be able to accept one-on-one defensive players, have timing and courage, but also dictate the timing and set the game. “



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