Milan, Roback speaks after his return: “I suffer from depression”

The striker, owned by Milan and on loan to the Swedish club, returned to training after being unavailable for 14 days: “I didn’t want to go out or see people. I felt that my head wasn’t in the right place, so I locked myself away myself”

Francesco Calvi

“I didn’t want to see anyone except my family. I suffer from a form of depression.” After two weeks away from his Norrkoping teammates, Emil Roback returned to training with the team, explaining the reasons for his long absence.


In recent days, the striker born in 2003 – on loan to the Swedes but owned by Milan – was reported missing by the Norrkoping managers. Tony Martinsson, sporting director of the club, had entrusted the diffusion of his announcement to a local newspaper: “We haven’t received news for 14 days, we just want to know if he’s okay”. The response from the player, in fact, did not take long to arrive. A few hours after the publication of Martinsson’s interview, Roback showed up at the Norrkoping training center, where he had a discussion with the coach and managers.


The player returned to the group but, as can also be read on the team’s social channels, he explained to the staff that he had suffered on a psychological level: “Emil has finally reconnected with the club, however he is going through a bad period in his life. Despite this, the player has announced his return to the field and Norrkoping wishes him good luck!”. It was Roback himself who told the media what he went through, giving an interview to Sportbladet: “I haven’t been feeling well lately. In fact, very bad. I didn’t want to go out or see people, only my relatives. I felt like my head wasn’t in the right place, so I closed in on myself. It probably wasn’t the right thing to do, but it happened that way. Depression? I think it’s that, but I’ve never experienced it before.”
