Milan, Pioli wins the Gentleman Gigi Simoni award

The handover ceremony on Monday 5 December at the Lega di B headquarters. President Balata: “In the case of Stefano Pioli, ability and fair play are characteristics that coincide”

The Liedholm award, the Bulgarelli award, the Sport and Civilization award, the award for best coach of the year. An incomplete list, also because Stefano Pioli continues to hoard awards. The next one will end up on his bulletin board on Monday 5 December and it’s the “Gentleman Coach Gigi Simoni 2021-2022” award.


The award ceremony is scheduled for 6 pm in via Rosellini in Milan, in the presence of the president of Lega Serie B, Mauro Balata, and Simoni’s family who will deliver the award to the Milan coach, voted for by the current Serie B coaches. According to his colleagues , during the 2021-22 season Pioli would have represented the values ​​that have always distinguished Gigi Simoni, the undisputed lord of our football. “In the case of Stefano Pioli – explains Balata – ability and fair play are characteristics that coincide”. Pioli succeeds Ranieri in the roll of honor.
