Milan, only in 2003-04 more points than now (and it was Scudetto)

Statistics after 25 days lead to optimism. The Devil’s last solitary record was in 2010-11: and it was Scudetto in that case too

If we talk about numbers, AC Milan has never been seen like this before. Indeed, only once, and the AC Milan fans will remember it for life: the 2003-04 season, AC Milan champions of Italy ahead of Rome, 18-team tournament. After 25 days Ancelotti already had 64 points. This year, however, Milan are first at 55 (with Inter having one game less). It had been almost 18 years since the Rossoneri hadn’t had so many points at this stage of the tournament. In 2011-12, again in the 25th, they were in the lead together with Juventus, while the solitary record dates back to the 2010-11 championship. Numbers, coincidences, a bit of cabal. And a common destiny to cling to.


Let’s start from last year. Milan have two more points. He lost Donnarumma and Calhanoglu, but gained Maignan – now an idol of the fans – and Giroud, a hat double in the derby. On the 25th day of the 2020-21 vintage, the Rossoneri had 53 points, but Conte’s Inter had already run away with 59. Six lengths of difference. The Nerazzurri, today, have one game less and one point behind. If they were to win the match against Bologna they would go to +2. Open and intriguing championship, with Napoli lagging behind at 53. Pioli managed to improve an already strong team, enhancing even more some elements (Kalulu, Leao and Tonali) and focusing on the usual certainties: Tomori, Bennacer, Calabria, Saelemaekers, Rebic and Theo, freshly renewed until 2026. Solid foundations for the future.


Among the singles, Tonali deserves mention: in the 2020-21 year, at the 25th, he had played about 600 minutes less than in the current season. He created twice as many scoring chances (26 to 12), won more tackles (69% to 65%), scored two goals and recovered more balls (117 to 80). Sandro is a new player, just like Leao, who last year was divided between first striker and high winger with mixed results. Now he is already 10 goals in 27 games. He has suffered more fouls (30 to 16), created more goal chances (27 to 17) and above all he dribbled more, 58 to 33 in one-on-one. Not to mention that he shoots twice as much as 12 months ago (22 to 13).


If we talk about collective data (always after 25 days), however, Milan has remained almost the same, even if some statistics show improvements anyway. Small, but essential: the Rossoneri’s center of gravity has risen by almost two meters. Last year it was 50.6 meters, now 52.1. The balls played are slightly more, an average of 654 in 2020-21 against 674 in 2021-22, while in midfield there is a bit more “running”. The balls recovered and those intercepted are slightly higher than last year. The woods also decrease, 10 to 16, a manifesto of a more precise Milan in front of goal, which among other things also scored two more goals (48 to 50). Last fact: the contrasts. There is an increase in aggression (it has gone from an average of 9.4 to 10.8). Little things. Technical adjustments. Meanwhile, Milan are up there.


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