Milan on Taremi: the offer to Porto and the negotiation

The Rossoneri club accelerates for the Porto centre-forward: one last attempt at the beginning of the week. In case of black smoke, Colombo will remain

Luca Bianchin

It’s not over until it’s over. The long-distance story between Mehdi Taremi and Milan has yet to write the last chapters: at the beginning of the week Milan will make one last attempt, a last offer to Porto. How important? Probably in the order of 15 million. The situation is known. Milan have liked Taremi for months and already in June he was one of the strong names as an alternative to Olivier Giroud. Taremi is liked because he has the physique and the right malice to make the difference in a championship like Serie A. In addition, he has Champions League experience which doesn’t hurt. Milan inquired about him in good time but Porto, despite a contract expiring in 2024, replied alternatively “we don’t talk about it” or “30 million”, which in this context are synonyms. Milan will never pay 30 million or even the 20 that Porto has asked for more recently. The second attempt last week, however, made it clear that interest remains.

the situation

Tomorrow Milan will start the last week of negotiations with clear ideas. If a good market opportunity arises, he will add a central striker to Giroud and Noah Okafor, who in the 4-3-3 can also play, perhaps above all, on the wing. Candidate, in addition to Taremi, Hugo Ekitike, that the PSG would like to sell, perhaps to Eintracht. Milan-Ekitike-Psg negotiation is not simple, at the moment it is stopped due to the high requests on commissions and above all salary, which the PSG would not pay in the event of a loan. That’s why Lorenzo Colombo has ample chance of staying on for the Rossoneri. Monza has chosen him as a starting striker and is waiting for him but Milan will send him on loan only if he finds a reinforcement compatible with the technical and economic plans. Otherwise the set is written: 9-17-29, Giroud – Okafor – Colombo.


Taremi, of course, would be a very particular story. At 25 he was at Persepolis, glorious God forbid, but still the Iranian championship. At 26 he was playing in Qatar, at Al-Gharafa and didn’t even score much: if we’re talking about the championship, 13 goals in 30 games. A year later at Rio Ave, province of Portuguese football. It is not the profile of a footballer who at the age of 31 discovers Milan’s number 1 goal. Still, the numbers say that the revolution is deserved: Taremi has scored 57 goals with Porto in the last 2 years, including 5 celebrations in the last Champions League. He is making up for lost time.

go out

Mehdi thus risks being one of the strong names of the last week, for a sensational Iranian coupling with Azmoun (Rome). The forecasts in Portugal are not encouraging – Porto are not a club for end-of-season sales – but Milan are betting on age, contract and Rossoneri charm. In the meantime, pay attention to the more or less surprising releases. Milan has no intention of selling Rade Krunic, so Pioli has made a request: let’s keep him, please. Can Fenerbahçe and Lyon come up with an offer? Yes, possible, but convincing Milan is now really difficult, also because Furlani and Moncada should find a replacement. Milan would more willingly greet Alexis Saelemaekers, Divock Origi and Fodé Ballo-Touré, not by chance still excluded from the squad. Saelemaekers like Betis and Bologna, who would borrow him. Origi has no convincing offers (Sarabia after the end of the transfer window, in late September? Who knows…) while Ballo-Touré said no to Antwerp. The Werder Bremen option remains valid, which has an agreement with the player but not with Milan. To date, this is the most likely solution. In contrast, Yacine Adli. On the market for the whole summer, now 80% will remain in the squad: at the moment he is the deputy Krunic, an alternative (very different from the owner) for the lower top role. He is the happiest: from day one he hopes to stay.
