Milan like Gucci: Investcorp thinks big

Kindness at the entrance, but no one can speak: “The negotiation with Milan is strictly confidential.” The operational president Alhardi is not there: the most important operations pass by him

by our correspondent GB Olivero

25 April
– London

The Milan of the future is being born in an elegant street in Mayfair, the district of luxury and large private investors. Investcorp house, the headquarters of the fund that is completing the acquisition of the club, is at 48 Grosvenor Street, not far from the east side of Hyde Park: a four-storey building that transmits the feeling of wealth right from the entrance. The lady who welcomes us at the reception almost disappears behind the large semicircular wooden desk, whose imposing structure prevents the view of the worktop. Delivery is simple: total silence. The negotiation for the sale of Milan from Elliott to Investcorp is shrouded in the utmost secrecy and so any question we try to ask the lady gets the same answer: “I can’t tell you, it’s a strictly confidential topic”. The impression is that this sentence would be repeated even if we asked for the weather forecast, but it is normal given the situation.
