Milan, Kalulu injury: surgery, how long is he out. Recovery times

The French defender underwent surgery in Finland after the complete rupture of the left rectus femoris tendon suffered on Sunday against Napoli

“Four months”: this is the estimate of the recovery time for Pierre Kalulu’s return to the field according to what was communicated by Milan, with the note in which they announced the successful outcome of the operation to which the French defender underwent today” in Finland by Professor Lasse Lempainen, in the presence of the AC Milan health manager Stefano Mazzoni”.

the intervention

After the diagnosis a couple of days ago of “lesion of the left rectus femoris tendon, worthy of a surgical opinion”, the operation was necessary “to resolve the complete rupture of the left rectus femoris tendon” which the opinion highlighted . The 23-year-old French centre-back had to leave the pitch due to injury after 19 minutes of Sunday’s match against Napoli.
