Milan-Juve, Pioli: “The points lost with Spezia …”

The Milan coach: “Little granted to Juve but we lacked something in the area. If we don’t beat Inter, it will be a championship similar to last year for us.”

Stefano Pioli has the expression and tone of voice of someone who has nothing to blame for his Milan, but who seems aware that Inter could have embarked on the decisive escape. “We played the right game for our moment and for the opponent, we lacked something in the penalty area for our limits but above all for the pitch, which didn’t let us make the last pass on a few occasions. attentive and determined players, we conceded little to an opponent of the level of Juve. For us the glass is half empty not for tonight, but for the points lost against Spezia. If we had won last Monday the value of this 0-0 would have been different. Now we will have to win the derby to stay attached to Inter and try until the end, otherwise it will be a very similar championship for us to last year. To achieve something extraordinary we will have to do something extraordinary. But this is a moment. of the championship in which the matches are tough and difficult for everyone “.


“I saw some rehearsals of the singles – continues Pioli – of the highest level. I wanted to put Rebic first but the forced change of Zlatan, who accused a pain in the tendon due to the ground being too hard, took away our slots. But Rebic will return to being a decisive player for us “.


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