Milan-Investcorp: who he is, what he does and why he wants to buy the club

In the nineties he relaunched Gucci, now he is attracted to another iconic Made in Italy brand. His expansion comes from football and the Rossoneri club has unique characteristics

In the early 1990s, Gucci was a faded, close to crash brand. The CEO De Sole and creative director Tom Ford orchestrated the relaunch, behind the scenes a Bahraini holding company, which in the meantime had rounded up all the shares, completed the corporate restructuring and listed the stock on the stock exchange. Now that Investcorp has entered into negotiations to acquire AC Milan, the circle is close to closing. From an iconic fashion brand to an iconic football brand, both symbols of Made in Italy in the world. Since then Investcorp has expanded and diversified its business, to the point of studying entry into the sport.
