Milan-Investcorp, Scaroni: “I don’t know about any critical issues. Two offers at stake”

And then he added: “It takes time to complete the perimeter, understand them well and compare them”

These days the Scudetto devours more or less everything, but in the meantime, behind the scenes, the company discussions inevitably continue. Paolo Scaroni spoke on the matter today and clarified: “I don’t know of any critical issues with Investcorp. I understand that there are two offers and it takes time to complete the scope of the offer, understand them well and compare them ”, said the Rossoneri president with reference to the entry on the scene of another potential buyer, namely the Americans of RedBird. “In any case – said Scaroni – to talk about the sale, I am not the right interlocutor, they are only the object of the offer. It’s not a process that concerns Milan, I don’t even bother with it for a minute “.

Stadium question

Scaroni then also touched on the stadium topic: “The project for the construction of the new AC Milan stadium is an ongoing construction site. I am optimistic and reasonably certain that Milan will have a new stadium in Milan or in greater Milan. There is also a public consultation, there is an ongoing process that we are carrying out. This process will be over in a couple of months “
