Milan-Inter, Mentana’s behind-the-scenes derby: “Milanello is a happy island”

Vittorio Mentana, former Rossoneri communications director, tells us how relations with the press were twenty years ago, in the first match between Inter and Milan in the Champions League

The last word belongs to the field, but the first ones are also very important. It is impossible to reduce a derby in the Champions League semifinal to just an on-field event. Behind such a challenge moves a whole world, which is not only huge but must also be perfect. Because in some cases the way you “communicate” is everything. Vittorio Mentana twenty years ago, when Milan and Inter met for the first time in the Euroderby, he was the communications director of the Rossoneri club (then team manager a few years later). And he tells us a little-known but definitely interesting behind-the-scenes story.
